Our Partners

As a proud member of the PKF Group, CM1 Global has access to unrivalled levels of capacity and capability across the PKF network of factories.

Through years of continuous investment and development, we have established expertise and advanced capabilities across a whole range of products and technologies ranging from sheet materials and core joinery products through to the latest painting, finishing and laminating technologies.

Our partner factories across Indonesia and China are at the core of what we do, and we are always proud to show them off to customers and potential customers alike.


We believe timber is one of the earth's greatest gifts to humanity, and timber-manufactured products are inherently sustainable and powerful in the fight against climate change, locking in stored carbon for many decades beyond the lifespan of a tree.

However, this great gift needs looking after with great care, and through our partners in Indonesia, we are proud to be part of some of the most sustainable forestry programmes and ambitious and extensive replanting exercises in the region.

The future we face is one where more of the products in our built environment will need to be made from wood not fewer.


CM1 cares passionately about its people. This includes the many thousands of people who work in our factories, both within the PKF Group and within our partner facilities.

Not just the safety, but the training, development and opportunities offered to our people is something we stand by and we feel we are rightly proud of.

fsc certified

FSC® Certified

CM1 Global is an FSC certified business.



We work with SVLK certified timber, ensuring legality and sustainability under the FLEGT system.



CM1 Global is a full Sedex member. As are our factories.

quality control

Quality Control

We have teams of in country QC professionals, ensuring the consistent quality of production.



We invest heavily in all of our factories, staying one step ahead of the demand.